There ought to be an outward sign of respect for the sacrifice of the Mass and dressing casually or immodestly doesn’t cut it. That said, it seems that the liturgy of the Mass itself sometimes lacks dignity. I occasionally attend Mass in the Maronite rite and the Tridentine rite Idaho check cashing car title loans and find that the these ancient rites seem to foster a more reverant and dignified posture among the attendees.
I nearly always wear a tie to Mass on Sundays – and this is in Australia, which is at least as sloppy in dress as the US – but not necessarily on weekdays, when I would wear a decent shirt and a jumper (pullover, jersey, whatever you call it) in cold weather. Most shirts we have are designed to be worn with a tie. As for claiming it’s better to be at Mass in scruffy jeans than not to be there is just an excuse. The operative word is “scruffy”. and more often than not it is a deliberate attempt to look scruffy.
Seeing our Prime Minister or your Obama in open-necked shirts with a suit always looks daggy to me
I have seen the change in attire not only at Sunday Mass, but all through the culture I live and work in. My argument was accept a person where they were and don’t judge their attire.
Although after visiting the Shrine of The Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville Al. for the last several years, has change my view and perspective. When I witness folks with sincere and true dignity worshiping Our Lord modestly dressed and with a real heart for PRAYER, left me in awe. This has had a lasting affect on how I present myself to our Lord at mass and in this journey called life.
Decent, clean, modest clothes should be the rule
I totally agree that we Catholics do not respect the Host of our Mass invitation. Some look upon attending Mass as an obligation, which it is, and so “I will go, but as I please.” I do wear a skirt or dress, and modest blouses. I even went on a spree buying hats, and I wear one every Sunday to Mass. I get lots of looks, and only a few others have been so brave to wear a hat sometimes. I guess I do look out of place..but as far as it goes, so do those who wear halter tops, spaghetti straps, tight low-cut jeans, midriffs, backless halter tops, flip-flops, and on and on….I hope the Holy Father decides to put a dress code for the Mass in the new Lectionary…especially for those “extraordinary ministers” who don’t usually dress that much better either.
Where are the homilies that tie into the subjects of SIN, MODESTY, DRESSING to respect OUR Lord, and endless subjects that would teach the laity once again how to LIVE their faith in the home and in the workplace? I have not heard any almost since Vatican II..(in the place where I live)……….God forbid anyone rocks the boat and chases anyone away………….
I can not remember what encyclical it is (I believe it is on Modernism) but there is one that discusses appropriate dress. We do dress up for church and never appear before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament looking like we rolled out of bed. If you can dress up for an interview I am pretty sure it would not burden any of you to dress up for our Lord. Now if your reasons are you really do not have the means , then come as your are. I really doubt that is the reason for most of the immodest and disresrecful choice of clothing. At our church men women and children follow the recommended attire and the homeless that walk in from the street don’t seem to feel out of place, but you can tell even they make the attempt to put on their best for the Lord.